Monday, September 3, 2007

Diamond Crusted

Platinum and diamond crusted life-size cast of a human skull made by Damien Hirst was worth and sold for $100m. I can't help but to stare at that huge pear shape diamond. This art is named-"For the Love of God"

Ipod Nano in diamonds at $12,500 via Luxist
Too heavy? Maybe the shuffle at $20,000 instead? via Engadget

Most expensive cake at $20m, but if it doesn't fit in your budget, maybe you can consider the other diamond cake at $1.7m? Via Born Rich

So you have the cake, the ipod and the Damien Hirst art, now what else can make you happier?

A diamond studded car that will Bling-out everyone that crosses your path. Via Luxist

I think Bentley is kind enough to realize that not everyone can afford the diamond mercedes so they came out with a more affordable price at $150,000 for the knob. You won't be afraid to get your car stolen and you can show off your wealth with this diamond stick. Via Born Rich

If you were born in a diamond cradle, like this, maybe you world does revolve around diamonds. Imagine the things you see as a baby, left, right, up, down, all diamonds. The saying "born with a silver spoon" doesn't seem to fit this description...

Via Elite Choice

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